Partners in Positive Change

At AppleTree Connection, we firmly believe that collaboration is key to driving positive behavior change on a global scale. Our partners play a vital role in our mission to train, mentor, and empower professionals, families, and educators to influence positie behavior change globally. Together, we strive to make a meaningful impact in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and beyond.

Our Partners

Whether you're an employer seeking skilled professionals, a provider of relevant products and services, or an affiliate looking to make a difference, we welcome partnerships that align with our mission and values. TOGETHER we inspire positive change.

Why Partner with AppleTree Connection

Partnering with AppleTree Connection means joining forces with a dynamic organization dedicated to advancing careers and leadership in behavioral health and, education and psychology.

Connect with Us

Partnership and Affiliate Opportunities

Whether you're an employer, a provider of relevant products and services, or an affiliate partner, we invite you to join us in our mission to influence positive behavior change worldwide.  We're always open to exploring mutually beneficial collaborations that support our mission. If your products or services align with our vision and values, we invite you to join us in making a positive impact globally.

  • Ready to explore employer partnership opportunities with AppleTree Connection?
  • Interested in becoming an affiliate partner?
  • Contact us today to learn more about how we can collaborate to make a difference in the world of behavior analysis and beyond.

Hire a Workforce of Trained, Mentored &
Empowered RBTs

Spending too much time and resources hiring and retaining high-quality RBTs?  
AppleTree Connection is here to save you time, money and resources. 
We have developed a series of initiates within our Empowered RBT TM program to improve employee engagement, reduce turnover, and improve outcomes. AppleTree Connection employment programs are focused on three pillars: Talent Acquisition, Training, and Retention. As ABA practitioners, we found these areas to be some of the most challenging aspects of owning and managing an ABA company.
Join our Employer Partner network for a steady flow of professionals who invest in themselves and show up with an ethical foundation of professionalism.
You have 2 avenues to gain access to our amazing Empowered RBTTM graduates...

Become an Employer Partner  

Get your company listed in our exclusive employer database provided to our graduates.
To remain in the program and gain access to our grads, you must agree to the following as it relates to AppleTree Connection graduates:  

  • Hire RBT as employee (W2)
  • DO NOT hire RBT as contractor (1099)
  • DO NOT charge for Competency Assessment
  • DO NOT require pay back of costs for required employment onboarding training

    *Important: To best serve Empowered RBTs TM, as well as our field, we have updated the terms to participate in our Employer Partnership Program.
    We have discontinued our no-cost program.  Previous members - book your appointment today to be added to our upgraded program!

Gain Access to Pipeline to RBT services  

When you're ready to hire and don’t want to wait, this provides YOU direct access to our RBTs seeking employment. We maintain communications with our alum, some are seasoned RBTs & BCBAs. (*Pipeline to RBT services are exclusive to our Employer Partners (EP). Book your EP Discovery call)

Our Pipeline to RBT service menu includes:
Recruiting Services 
  • Sponsor a live Empowered RBT TM cohort; 
  • Career fair sponsorship or booth
  • Ads
  • 4-phase Custom Recruiting and Placement

Custom Staffing Cohorts (limited to 1 company per quarter)
  • Marketing, Recruiting, Training tailored to your needs

Shaping Practitioners: From passion to practice

Our carefully crafted group of compassionate professionals have been mentored by the best. Our approach is simple:
Train – teach the foundations: behavior analysis, 7 dimensions, ABA as an applied practice, founders who shaped the field, visionaries leading the way today;
Mentor – provide insight into the role of a behavior technician in a variety of settings, emphasize the importance of receiving and accepting feedback;
Empower – behavior techs are future leaders, behavior analysis has limitless potential to be applied for good, but can also be mis-used, lead with integrity and passion.
Over 550 students have discovered a fulfilling career through AppleTree Connection
Write your awesome label here.

Together, we can create a brighter future for professionals, families, and communities everywhere.